{"version":3,"file":"static/js/64833.008f9523.chunk.js","mappings":"6IA6CO,IAAKA,EAA2B,SAA3BA,GAA2B,OAA3BA,EAA2B,6BAA3BA,EAA2B,0CAA3BA,CAA2B,MA8G3BC,EAAgC,SAAhCA,GAAgC,OAAhCA,EAAgC,QAAhCA,EAAgC,oBAAhCA,CAAgC,K","sources":["interfaces/new-casino.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { ResponseGeneric } from './generic';\n\nexport type NewCasinoCategory = {\n id: string;\n name: string;\n title: string;\n games_count: string;\n gameCount?: string;\n categoryId?: string;\n badge?: string | null;\n};\n\nexport type NewCasinoProvider = {\n name: string;\n order: string;\n title: string;\n blocked_countries: string[];\n badge: null | { title: string; class: string };\n icon_name?: string;\n};\n\nexport type TNewCasinoDataGamesByAllGroup = {\n count: string;\n games: NewCasinoGameBackend[];\n};\n\nexport type TNewCasinoDataByAllGroup = {\n status: string;\n games: Record;\n};\n\nexport type TNewCasinoData = {\n status: string;\n count: string;\n total_count: string;\n games: NewCasinoGameBackend[];\n};\n\nexport type TNewCasinoDataWithCounts = {\n status: string | number;\n count: string;\n total_count: string;\n games: Record | NewCasinoGameBackend[];\n};\n\nexport enum ENewCasinoFailedDataMessage {\n TimeoutError = 'Timeout Error',\n SomethingWentWrong = 'Something Went Wrong'\n}\n\nexport type TNewCasinoFailedData = {\n status: -1;\n message: ENewCasinoFailedDataMessage;\n};\n\nexport type NewCasinoGameBackend = {\n active: string;\n background?: string;\n backgrounds: string[];\n badge?: { title: string; class: string };\n blocked_countries: string[];\n blocked_currencies: string[];\n categories: string[];\n cats: NewCasinoGameCategory[];\n description: string | null;\n extearnal_game_id: string;\n extra_category?: {\n id: string;\n title: string;\n name: string;\n };\n feats: [];\n features: [];\n front_game_id: string;\n game_options: null | string;\n game_skin_id: string;\n has_age_restriction: number;\n icon_1: string;\n icon_2: string;\n icon_3: string;\n icons: string[];\n id: string;\n markets?: string;\n name: string;\n provider: string;\n provider_badge: null;\n provider_title: string;\n ratio: string;\n rtp: null | string;\n server_game_id: string;\n show_as_provider: string;\n status: string;\n themes: [];\n thms: [];\n title: string | null;\n types: NewCasinoGameTypes;\n};\n\nexport type NewCasinoGame = Pick<\n NewCasinoGameBackend,\n | 'background'\n | 'badge'\n | 'blocked_countries'\n | 'blocked_currencies'\n | 'categories'\n | 'cats'\n | 'description'\n | 'extearnal_game_id'\n | 'game_options'\n | 'has_age_restriction'\n | 'icon_1'\n | 'icon_2'\n | 'icon_3'\n | 'id'\n | 'name'\n | 'provider'\n | 'provider_title'\n | 'types'\n>;\n\ntype NewCasinoGameTypes = {\n realMode: number;\n funMode?: number;\n viewMode?: number;\n};\n\ntype NewCasinoGameCategory = {\n id: string;\n title: string;\n type: string;\n};\n\nexport type NewCasinoGamesConfigs = {\n categoryIds?: string;\n providerIds?: string;\n moduleId: number;\n casinoGamesLimit: number;\n showCategoryName: boolean;\n showLoadMoreBtn: boolean;\n bindWithCategories: boolean;\n bindWithProviders: boolean;\n groupAllByCategories: boolean;\n loadMoreType?: number;\n gamesRows?: number;\n gamesPerRow: number;\n mobileCustomSettings?: boolean;\n mobileShowLoadMoreBtn?: boolean;\n mobileLoadMoreType?: number;\n mobileCasinoGamesLimit?: number;\n mobileGamesRows?: number;\n mobileGamesPerRow?: number;\n mobileShowArrow?: boolean;\n skipQueryKeysCheck?: boolean;\n};\n\nexport enum ENewCasinoGamesFetchingParamsKey {\n Id = 'id',\n Category = 'category'\n}\n\nexport type NewCasinoGamesFetchingParams = {\n partner_id: number;\n is_mobile: number;\n lang: string;\n country: string;\n by_key?: ENewCasinoGamesFetchingParamsKey;\n offset?: number;\n limit?: number;\n id?: string;\n external_id?: string[];\n use_webp: number;\n category?: string;\n _fake_category?: string; // this is a fake param to force the React Query to run correctly\n _all_categories?: string; // this is a fake param to force replacing category param in case of all games count fetch\n provider?: string;\n search?: string;\n};\n\nexport type DecentralizedCasinoGamesFetchingParams = {\n partnerId: number;\n gameId: string;\n};\n\nexport type NewCasinoGamesFetchingParamsPartial =\n Partial;\n\nexport type CasinoLastPlayedGamesResponse = Omit & {\n details: {\n _id: string;\n game_ids: { _id: string }[];\n };\n};\n\nexport type CasinoSuggestedGamesResponse = {\n ExternalId?: number | null;\n GameIds?: number[];\n PlayerId?: number;\n};\n\nexport type DecentralizedCasinoGamesData = {\n count: number;\n status?: string;\n games: DecentralizedCasinoGame[];\n};\nexport type DecentralizedCasinoGame = {\n categoryId: string;\n categories: number[];\n externalGameId: number;\n funMode: number;\n icon1: string;\n icon2: string;\n icon3: string;\n isMobile: number;\n name: string;\n providerType: number;\n realMode: number;\n};\n\nexport type TTournamentGames = {\n items: NewCasinoGame[];\n total_count: string;\n};\n\nexport type IGetCasinoGamesResponse =\n | TNewCasinoDataByAllGroup\n | TNewCasinoData\n | DecentralizedCasinoGamesData\n | TNewCasinoFailedData;\n"],"names":["ENewCasinoFailedDataMessage","ENewCasinoGamesFetchingParamsKey"],"sourceRoot":""}