OTTO PCFF [vJDSIGkZ@`0GPOS=Y5X%GSUB$ZTOS/2B@`cmapHʢphead6hhea $hmtxp`kern~\" JmaxpP8name$^Yzpost2! b_<  P2 /P JBERT   "WWk00:" :* d = 0Y 0Wk F :   . ` : 6  ` : 6  t   D t T   8z `  `, ( ( Copyright 2006 Berthold LLC. All Rights Reserved. This font software computer program is the property of Berthold. You may not reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, alter nor create derivative works of the font software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, disassemble, nor seek to discover the source code of the font software.Akzidenz-Grotesk StdBold Extended ItalicVersion 001.000;Core 1.0.01;otf.5.02.2291;15.06WAkzidenz-Grotesk Std BoldExtItAkzidenzGroteskStd-BoldExItAkzidenz-Grotesk is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.BertholdVarious Berthold designers including Guenter Gerhard LangeBerthold first published Akzidenz-Grotesk in 1896. The design originates from Royal Grotesk light by Ferdinand Theinhardt who also supplied the regular, medium and bold weights. Throughout the years, Berthold has expanded this extremely popular and versatile family. AG Super was developed in 1968 by Guenter Gerhard Lange and is an excellent choice for headlines. In 2001, Guenter Gerhard Lange added more weights for Berthold including Super Italic and Extra Bold italic.http://www.bertholdtypes.com OF BERTHOLD LICENSE AGREEMENT This font software computer program is the property of Berthold. Your use of the font software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Berthold End User License Agreement. Your right to use the font software is limited to the express rights stated in your Berthold License Agreement. For example, you may not modify or adapt the font software, you may not transfer or distribute the font software to any person not covered by your Berthold License Agreement, and you may not use the font software at more than one physical location unless expressly provided otherwise in your Berthold License Agreement. Copyright 2006 Berthold LLC. All Rights Reserved. This font software computer program is the property of Berthold. You may not reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, alter nor create derivative works of the font software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, disassemble, nor seek to discover the source code of the font software.Akzidenz-Grotesk Std Bold ExtItalicVersion 001.000;Core 1.0.01;otf.5.02.2291;15.06WAkzidenzGroteskStd-BoldExItAkzidenz-Grotesk is a trademark of Berthold Types Limited.BertholdVarious Berthold designers including Guenter Gerhard LangeBerthold first published Akzidenz-Grotesk in 1896. The design originates from Royal Grotesk light by Ferdinand Theinhardt who also supplied the regular, medium and bold weights. Throughout the years, Berthold has expanded this extremely popular and versatile family. AG Super was developed in 1968 by Guenter Gerhard Lange and is an excellent choice for headlines. In 2001, Guenter Gerhard Lange added more weights for Berthold including Super Italic and Extra Bold italic.http://www.bertholdtypes.com OF BERTHOLD LICENSE AGREEMENT This font software computer program is the property of Berthold. Your use of the font software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Berthold End User License Agreement. Your right to use the font software is limited to the express rights stated in your Berthold License Agreement. For example, you may not modify or adapt the font software, you may not transfer or distribute the font software to any person not covered by your Berthold License Agreement, and you may not use the font software at more than one physical location unless expressly provided otherwise in your Berthold License Agreement. 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All Rights Reserved. This font software computer program is the property of Berthold. You may not reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, alter nor create derivative works of the font software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, disassemble, nor seek to discover the source code of the font software.Berthold first published Akzidenz-Grotesk in 1896. The design originates from Royal Grotesk light by Ferdinand Theinhardt who also supplied the regular, medium and bold weights. Throughout the years, Berthold has expanded this extremely popular and versatile family. AG Super was developed in 1968 by Guenter Gerhard Lange and is an excellent choice for headlines. In 2001, Guenter Gerhard Lange added more weights for Berthold including Super Italic and Extra Bold italic.Akzidenz-Grotesk Std BoldExtItAkzidenz-Grotesk Std Bold Extn`2;Cl( `$2=rz'48IOu(EIQWk{",19BKOX]jo{qA<*/-1\7Cz%P3YsP\:"՘^v[goldW{-aʻKS h\z`I F%<0Bxsnlx 9trkwX(pƱLjvvh}=*(+-|R;AWZ;;@>:=A7vLK8Ls`LQ8aK{CktFx8䥰tv2#w#J!g4#nz TyVJ * 8G6D Gg ݞԘUp}M=86jTX E + A l6Q' W y Z NnFSZdL\A kc S zD;@ 1Hw aG Ey8 nB"UO9yVd^CmHaB Wg7 4 0 / V OGEiN F d 9 e3Af67_ T9 x$SSxb OOw ] { vA w «|{ L}2e XȮϸCPM]8!};kS n > v$wmm u}! $StŦ ™Π[QPSjif e  6 L ,'bCnL&s`y8oe8 _ vw @hynmM KF Sg.S 9 C E ]o xyDɿ)d* irfzq jthzs y&CPw TBn~Yvv`] K-ӫ z ŸO9 |A  vv  cLz 5Z{orl U ;,-< ZZ _? c }~cD)m  e7 u6v<3  | '6w vK% "'' 6   y v h 7|Bpafts}d{`ejxoiwAckquz~g-NQz |Es;jp=M39B  X m + 1 7 b u K    9 i p []p^k'.?LXelt 3Vbipt\6Oy'>Ry<Y[  < X ~ !+!P!!!!!" 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